I've already shared in my previous post on cat poop about some ways on how to stop cats from pooping on a ceramic doorstep. The fact that it's ceramic, it's difficult to keep a certain strong scent to shoo the cats away. So the cat kept pooping once in a while. Lucky for us, our landlady patiently cleans the poop for us.
One day, I saw our landlady asking her son to catch the cat and put it in a sack. She wants to lose the cat in a far place so that it can live away from our doorsteps.
That night, we didn't see the cat (it's orange) however, a black and white cat lurks the place. I thought the orange cat asked the other cat to guard the place while it's gone.
Two days later, the orange cat is back. Landlady Plan A didn't work.
Landlady Plan B: I went home one day finding pieces of bread on the corners of our apartment building, stuffed with rat poison. Would rat poison effect on rat predator? Not really sure about that in other circumstances. I just know that 3 days after, there's poop again on our doorstep.
Landlady Plan C: Our landlady met me one day and told me that she just cleaned poop on our doorstep again. She said, she wants to kill the cat.
I must admit that it also crossed my mind -- I had this imagination that I could hurl the cat to the wall if ever it crosses my path while I'm in a really, really pissed off mood. Yet, we could not do that to a living being like a cat, right? Just an imagination anyway, no worries.
How do you deal with stray cat poop?
Appreciation Post: the Birds Around Us
A picture on social media that my friend shared was a man who had lots of
wild birds (probably most were maya) on his shoulders and all around him.
And t...
1 week ago
what?? cat poop? hahahaha
Playgroup Singapore
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