Okay, so that's an exaggeration.
However, the article shows results from various studies that link drinking cola, coke and other softdrinks to illnesses like diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, heart disease, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, dental cavities and even DNA damage for kids! Whew!
And don't give the excuse that all you're drinking is Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Diet Pepsi and other low to zero calorie soda. Apparently, calories are not the only problem in soda. The high acidic levels also contribute to the onset of illnesses.
According to experiments in the article, Seven Dangers of Coke and Pepsi (Softdrinks): Coke, Pepsi and other softdrinks are effective stain, rust and grease remover. Soda can dissolve a broken tooth (soaked in soda) in 10 days. As we all know, our teeth are supposedly one of the strongest bones in our body. A student died after drinking 8 bottles of coke on the spot. Too much carbon dioxide and not enough oxygen in the body did it.
Despite all the hazards, why do we love Coke and softdrinks?
Simply because it's refreshing.
The fizz is refreshing and is effective in quenching thirsts. The sweetness and flavor effectively washes out any food flavor; it's perfect combination with pizza (any greasy food) and spicy food, too.
I found this review of Sodastream that can make regular water into sparkling water in 30 seconds in the comforts of your own home. With it, you can make your own carbonated drink. The package also comes with flavors that you can try.
One good thing about the Sodastream is that you can have your "fizz"-fix without all the chemicals added to the mixture of your commercial soda. No sugar, no caramel, no caffeine no anything except for H2O and carbon dioxide. Even the flavors are all-natural.
Yeah, yeah... you still have the problem of carbon dioxide in your body. But the good news with Sodastream is that you can adjust the amount of carbon dioxide in your drink. It's all under your control.
Check out this Sodastream review from THE ACTORS DIET food blog.
Just a quick note: The Actors Diet food blog is all about eating healthy. If they're recommending it, it's sure worth a try. Delicious plus healthy at its best!
photo from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/david_kittos/3665415733/
Thanks for this wonderful post, its been helpful
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